Saturday, January 31, 2009

if the artist ever removes entirely the mixed mask of the charlatan or entertainer he is no longer the artist

the trojan horse

of capitalism in art is the idea of genius.

so that we can make money off (preferably dead, at any rate one) artist & allowing the rest their relentless poverty

we need a peaceful placeable hinduism

cancer & other bureaucracies-

fate- she returned diagnosed with cancer, but her endorphins kept her high, but as she came to her car, found it stolen- & collapsed in thought of the bureaucracy-
reading wikipedia while watching netflix-the experience of the movies has changed, less illusion, more continuous information

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

spectacular political visual at berkeley-

imitation coffins. & yets it time to also learn to accuse colluding, insular, arab countries to use palestine dead as political pawns-the passive war machine, passive genocides

Saturday, January 17, 2009


woman has cut down the forests, & now there is nowhere nowise to escape, even interstellar space is too small- what use has the fish for land?

Friday, January 9, 2009

the ex-orientalist now serves as our native informant


not just heavier but as if i am carrying myself
carrying my shadow

- & meanwhile my blood is riding in triglyceride'in

the spirit is willing but the spirit is weak.

2. what are we where who

something more than spirit something
less than nature's human

scholarship corrupts; more scholarship corrupts more

on measurement

the devil is in the number, but the State is in stats

science and arab pre blonde adams

& again the fake innocence attributed to the qauntum geniuses of the 20s, early 30s. ( this despite the enormous charm of segre's book).-the garden of eden where physicists play at being adam naming the world. play at being presexual adolescing juvenilizing pranksters- physics boy, harry potter self image. the extreme chemotherapy/radiation of hiroshima (2 bombs to test 2 different types of heavy nucleus disintegration !!)- so needs to look back (the golden backward ageing) at the pretoxic world of the 20s, of boy geniuses, of even the innocence of first wold war death of tangible & gaping wounds, of teens, adam even pre eve. later hitler the scape goat. the singular tumour, when in truth it had all metastasized all over the world (as nuclearizing capitalism complexes), & we are all already corpses, zombies, jinns, bootcamped bhutas. so now science must seek to be innocent again with disabled hawkings, who said we need to escape earth- ah, the extreme claustrophobia of the dead in his grave, or agorophobia of the ash on the wave- his wife more remarkable for saying she married a sick man as they were all going to be radiated out anyway.

on self edited self minoritivization

minoritization as causing an intrinsic shame according to social workers. the war for being the privileged minority- jews vs blacks in the US historically (arendt, farrakhan, amiri etc); dalits vs muslims in india. pak born of the cry of nation not minority. need to be neither nation nor minority

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

between assimilation & terrorism

not every acculturation is equal- it is relative to the size of the minority, its internal, locational, cultural unities, relative to other competing (often jealous of other's more privileged, singular) minoritization, usable histories etc

Thursday, January 1, 2009

& what is more bourgeois, more capitalist than the idea of genius?

anything can be pornified-the bizarre, the obscure- look at hawkings & theoretical physics. yet maybe it retains some of its mystique from its pseudo-religious links. grandiose themes like "origin of the universe", multi verses, pluriverse etc. not sure you can have equivalent interest ( disabled or not) for obscure math theorems-i.e without the fantasy of physics that it has a reference in the real, physicality of the world-presumably you can't really narrativise a protagonist (or a generic consciousness) in the area of self avoiding random walks